
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 07:05:47
给谏姜如农长君勉中,患衄不已,去血盈斗,一月后衄止,复患囊痈,六脉如丝,精神困惫,始犹健饮,渐至 粥不入。先后医友但云虚而当补,莫测病根所在,于是,参、 不效,桂、附随之,愈补而形愈虚,愈温而气愈弱。最后沈至,时居冬至矣,据脉与症,亦谓当温无疑,独念桂、附太热,姑用补中益气,尝之毫无进退。忽悟吾亦踵其误矣,夫食虽不入,而大便秘结,症类虚寒,而口渴喜饮。盖衄血之来,本因邪火上炽,乃遽用血脱益气之法,衄虽止而热不下,发为囊痈。既溃,疡科又泥寒药不能收口之戒,亦务温补。周旋左右者,目击病患 羸,又闻众口称虚,强令进食,以久卧床蓐之体,恣啖肥甘,不为运化,是以药食并壅,内热外寒,此病中之病,初非衄与痈所致,宜其愈补而愈不灵也。先哲云∶脉浮者谷不化。又云∶大实有羸状,误补益疾,其斯之谓与。遂力主清润疏解,以硝、黄为前茅,而大便立通,以芩、芍为后劲,而饮食渐进,如丝之脉,一钱添长,久冷之躯,一阳来复,不惟衄血不作,且令疮口易收。孰谓从脉可以舍症,不思而得病情哉。向非翻然易辙,转败为功,人惟知补之不效而已,又安知效之不在补也?此事难知如此。


The elder monarch of Jiang Ru Nong encourages middle , the trouble nosebleed gets rid of blood endlessly, having a surplus of a dipper , the queen nosebleed suffers from the bag carbuncle just , again , six pulse does not enter gradually till the gruel if silk , the spirit are exhausted, just like being good for drink the beginning in January to be expostulated with. Location, joins thereupon, the effect , Chinese cinnamon, do not attach successively curing the friend but cloud emptiness but pawning help , unpredictable cause of disease with that, the more repair but the shape is false , the warmer , the weaker but gas. Final Shen occupies the Winter Solstice , evidence pulse and disease extremely , now and then , also name the ding-dang temperature beyond doubt, alone, read Chinese cinnamon , attach very hot, aunt uses help to be hit by the beneficial gas , that is once without any advance and retreat. But realize me suddenly also calling in person the person