
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:41:27
有三样东西是最宝贵的,那就是"亲情、爱情和友情".世上任何人都拥有这三种珍贵的情感,在这三种感情当中,人们最乐于提及的当然是爱情了,爱情的魔力真是伟大,他使两个陌生的男女从相识到相知,继而想爱,彼此心心相映,相互关怀,不计较得失,在纷乱的世界上,互相扶持,共同经历风雨,一起迎接幸福.爱可以让粗暴的人变得温柔,也可以让懦弱的人变得很坚强.爱情的神奇力量几乎能够改变一切。 如果爱一个人,除了希望永远和他在一起外,更希望对方健康、快乐,不受任何伤害,哪怕自己将坠入无尽的黑暗与孤独,也想让对方可以继续生活在阳光中,可以继续享受生命、获得幸福。

There are three feelings are the most valuable in all our life--interrelationship, love and friendship, of which what people are happiest to mention is, of course, love. The magic power of love is so great that it makes two strangers know ,learn and love each other with two hearts beating as one. They care and support each other without caring anything else in the changing world.they are in the same boat looking forward to happiness. Love makes the rude become gentle and the coward brave. The magic power of love can change almost everything. If you love a person, you should hope that he or she is healthy and happy, free and harmless, even if he or she will fall into the abyss of darkness and loneliness, except that you hope to be with him or her together.And you should also make your lover enjoy life and sun shines.

There are three things are the most valuable, it is that "affection, love and friendship." There is no one with these three precious feelings, the feel