
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 15:36:35
A number of years ago (1983-1987), I had the opportunity to play the character of Ronald McDonald for the McDonald’s Corporation. My marketplace covered most of Arizona and a portion of Southern California.
One of our standard events was “Ronald Day.” One day each month, we visited as many of the community hospitals as possible, bringing a little happiness into a place where no one ever looks forward to going. I was very proud to be able to make a difference to children and adults who were experiencing some “down time.” The warmth and gratification I would receive stayed with me for weeks. I loved the project, McDonald’s loved the project, the kids and adults loved it and so did the nursing and hospital staff.

许多年以前(1983-1987),我有那些机会演奏人物的罗纳德去这麦当劳公司的麦克唐纳。 我的市场包括大多数亚利桑那和南加利福尼亚的部分。 我们的一次标准事件是"罗纳德天"。 每月有一天, 我们访问尽可能多的社区医院,使一点愉快进入从来没有人期待去的一个地方。 我非常自豪能对孩子和"沿着时间"正经历一些的大人产生影响。 我将收到的温暖和喜悦和我在一起数周。 我爱工程,麦当劳爱工程,那些孩子和成年人爱它,因此做护理和医院人员。