
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 01:15:21
Although I bid and won the above item, I will not pay $110 SHIPPING for a $6 DOLLAR item. Therefore I will forward to you a payment for the item ONLY, and leave it to you to no doubt repost it on e-bay. I have written to e-bay expressing my disatisfaction with this situation and asked them to ensure your auctions make it clear from the outset that the goods are being shipped from China, even though you quote prices in GB POUNDS AND US DOLLARS. Alan Wrenn

我虽然拍到了上面的货物,但我不会花110美圆去买6美圆的东西啊。所以我只给你汇了商品的本身价格(6美圆)....那句不太明白 是不是你已经发货了 他说让重新投寄...
总的意思就是 他不要那个拍下的东西了。

虽然我出价而且嬴得了上述的项目, 但是,我将不支付 $110 到 $6 元的运送项目。 因此我只将会转寄给你付款, 而且对没有怀疑对你让它在电子海湾上再邮寄它。 我已经写到用这一种情形表达我的 disatisfaction 的电子海湾而且要求他们确定你的拍卖从着手使它清楚货物正在被从中国运送,即使你在亿位元组磅及美国元引述价格。 爱伦 Wrenn