关于computer security的英文 包括翻译(中文字数1500左右)(要自己翻译成中文的哦)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 17:14:32


Computer security is a field of computer science concerned with the control of risks related to computer use.

The means traditionally taken to realize this objective is to attempt to create a trusted and secure computing platform, designed so that agents (users or programs) can only perform actions that have been allowed. This involves specifying and implementing a security policy. The actions in question can be reduced to operations of access, modification and deletion. Computer security can be seen as a subfield of security engineering, which looks at broader security issues in addition to computer security.

In a secure system the authorised users of that system are still able to do what they should be able to do. One might be able to secure a computer beyond misuse using extreme measures......
