跪求钟镇涛的4:55 (Part of the Game)歌词翻译,谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 08:29:55

yes i saw you at the station long distances miles 是的,我在数英里远的站台看到你
you were leaving for weekend catching the 4:55 with the new frend 周末你将离开和你的新朋友一起赶4点55分的班车
for the season another sad-eyed colwn.另一个眼神忧郁的小丑在季节中
helping to see that you fantasies go down.帮助我看清你那些沉沦的幻想
and i have to wonder to myself 我不得不怀疑
why you have to go so far 为什么你要远离
drift with life's daydreams.带着生活里的白日梦漂泊
trying to play the star.试图成为明星
i still remember when your said我依旧记得你曾说过
baby now let's get away.宝贝现在我们一起远走高飞吧
and i followed you like a schoolboy 于是我就像schoolboy 一样追随着你
i guess that's part of the game.我猜那是游戏的一部分
now you call me say you're sorry 现在你打电话和我说sorry
give me long distance love 给我遥不可及的爱
you say you'd like to see me.你说你想要见我
maybe just for a while.也许就是一小会儿
and you'd meet me at the stationthere on platform 9.然后你我在车站的九号站台相遇
and we'd leave for the weekend riding for 4:55.. 并且在周末乘坐4:55的班车离开<