
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 07:39:57
:miss chen 我最近生病了,病得很严重,前天晚上发烧发到39度。我前几天还有写作也没写完,可不可以给我多一点时间去完成,我前几天实在太难受了。写不了。(翻译成英文)

miss chen 我最近生病了,病得很严重,前天晚上发烧发到39度。我前几天还有写作也没写完,可不可以给我多一点时间去完成,我前几天实在太难受了。写不了。(翻译成英文)

Dear Miss Chen,
I have got seriously ill rencently with the high temperature of 39 degrees at the night of the day before yesterday. Since I was really sick during those days, my essays are not finished yet. Could you please give me a little more time to finish it? Thank you very much!

Best Regards

Your Student

It is too different

Miss chen:
I have fallen ill for lately , have fallen ill very gravely, had a fever the night before last being dispatched to 39 degree. I still had writing a few days ago not also write having been over , how partial time whether might or not to give me to go and be completed, I had felt bad in fact very much a few days ago. Have written without end.

miss chen:
Recently, I was sick, very serious illness, fever distributed to 39 degrees at night. A few days ago I still have no