
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:48:29
1. 印度从每年10月31日起为新年共5天,第四天为元旦。新年第一天,谁也不许对人生气,更不准发脾气。印度有的地区,元旦早上,家家户户哭声不断,人人脸上涕泪横流,他们以岁月易逝、人生苦短,用哭来迎新年,是对人生的慨叹。有些地区的人们以禁食一天一夜来迎接新的一年,由元旦凌晨开始直到午夜为止。由于这种怪异的习俗,印度的元旦被人称为“痛哭元旦”、“禁食元旦”。
2. 德国的新年,庆祝时间前后有一周。这期间,家家户户都要摆上一棵枞树和可树,树叶间系满绢花,表示繁花如锦,春满人间。德国人在除夕午夜新年光临前一刻,爬到椅子上,钟声一响,他们就跳下椅子,并将一重物抛向椅背后,以示甩去祸患,跳入新年。
3. 伊朗实行的是伊斯兰历,它的季节和月份是不固定的。在伊朗,庆贺新年就是庆祝春天到来,往往是在公历3月下旬,过新年要隆重庆祝一周。除夕夜要吃“七道菜”,每道菜的名称都要以字母“S”开头的,以示吉祥。初一到初三,人们走亲访友,互祝春节快乐。新年最后一天,全家出游踏青,以避邪恶。
4. 埃及是文明古国,公元前40年,埃及人就能观察星象了,他们发现天狼星和太阳一同升起,尼罗河水立时上涨。埃及把尼罗河涨水的这一天作为新年的开始。
5. 在西班牙,当除夕夜12点的钟声刚开始敲第一声,人们便争着吃葡萄,如果能按钟声吃下12颗,便象征着新年的每个月都平安如意,而且每颗葡萄还有不同的含意,如第一颗“求平安”、第五颗“和睦”、第六颗“避难”、第七颗“祛病”.
6. 法国的新年 :

As different countries in the world located in the longitudinal position that the time is different, so the "New Year's Day" date is different. If Oceania to the west boundary of the day at the island nation of Tonga, it is the world's first start of the day, is the first country to celebrate the New Year. Located on the east boundary of Western Samoa and Japan is the world's latest, the beginning of a new day. By calendar terms, China is the world's first 12 countries beginning of the New Year. 1. India's annual New Year starting on October 31 for a five-day, the fourth day of the New Year. The first day of the new year, while people who are angry, not angry. India, in some areas of New Year's morning, everyone crying constantly, everyone faces tears horizontal flow, they have time goes by, life is hard and short. to usher in the New Year with tears and laments of life. Some people in the region day and night to greet the new year fasting from dawn