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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 05:25:53

Insurance management is not equal to insurance sale. Insurance management concentrate on the needs of the policy holders. It's the whole management of satisfying the policy holders, in other words, the whole set of managing projects from serching the needs in the insurance market to designing a kind of insurance and finally to provinding the after sevices for the policy holders. However, insurance sale concentrats on the insurance production itself and its destinationg is to sell the insurance. The differences specific are: the insurance management includes not only insurance sale, but also market prediction, designing new kinds of insurance products, balancing among the inner and outer situations and the managing goal, insuring the winning position of the company in competitions and etc. Insurance management is also an insurance enterprise activity that focuses on long-term profits, which means that insurance management has to take into consideration not only the selling but al