
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 07:38:31
1 你是否介意领我参观一下你们的工厂.(show...around)
2 我们对石油的需要与日俱增.(day by day)
3 来自世界各地的参观者对上海的巨大变化感到惊讶.(be amuased at)
4 既然他不在办公室,我可否留个便条?(leave a message)
5 一到那儿,一定要写信给我.(be sure to)
6 布莱克先生在这家旅馆预订了一间房子(in advance)
7 每个人不时地取得放松是相当重要的.(ralax)
8 节日里,人们以旗帜装饰街道.(decofate)
1 You are so kind as to have shown me around your school.
2 He is stupid enough to have made so many mistakes in the exam.
3 Scarcely had she entered the cinema when the movie started to be shown.
4 The city which we paid a visit to is very beautiful and industrial except that there is a lot of noises in theurban area.
5 The doctors do more than cure the patients;they work to improve the environment as well.
6 After years of planning and saving, their trip to China came true at last.
7 Students need to be familiar with the basic grammatical structures of English before they can communicate successfully.
8 He was not at his best during the speec

1 do you mind if I look in your factories leaders. (Show ... around),2of the oil growing needs. (day by day), 3 visitors from around the world surprised at the great changes in Shanghai . (be amuased at), since he was not in the office. Can I leave a note? (leave a message) 5 a family. I must write to. (to be sure) 6 Blake, in which the family owns a hotel reservation (in a dvance), each made from time to time to relax is very important. (ralax) 8 festival. People banner decorated streets. (decofate

1你这么样一来一直对我周围贵校. 2他是愚蠢到了那么多失误了考试. 3进入电影院时,她几乎已经开始放映电影. 4城市我们拜访很漂亮,但也有很多产业 热闹theurban区. 5医生治好病人做以上; 他们改善工作环境. 经过6年的规划与储蓄,其中国之旅,最后终于成真. 7学生须熟悉基本的英语语法结构,才能沟通成功. 8他不是在为自己最好的演讲比赛.
