
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 07:54:07
A room is on fire.Oh no!People may__(lose\get)a lot in the fire.Later____(firemen\postmen)put out the fire with water.great!But all the books have become____(dry\wet).The computer has stopped working.
Why not try the 3M Novec 1230?It is a special kind of liquid.It looks like water and can___(make\put out)fires quickly.But it does not make anything wet!Computers and paper can stay dry.but do not forget that it is not real water.If you drink it, it could be even___(better\worse)than being in a fire.

一个房间失火了。哦不!人们会在火灾中失去(lose)很多。不久消防员(fireman)用水熄灭了火。好!但是所有的书都变湿(wet)了。电脑不能工作了。为什么不试一试3M Novec 1230?这是一种特殊的液体,它看起来像水并且可以很快地熄灭(put out)火。然而它不让任何东西变湿!电脑和水可以保持干燥。但是不要忘记这不是真正的水。如果你喝了它,那情况就会比在火中更糟糕(worse)了。


A room is on fire.Oh no!People may_lose_(lose\get)a lot in the fire.Later__firemen__(firemen\postmen)put out the fire with water.great!But all the books have become__wet__(dry\wet).The computer has stopped working.
Why not try the 3M Novec 1230?It is a special kind of liquid.It looks like water and can_put out_(make\put out)fires quickly.But it does not make anything wet!Computers and paper can stay dry.but do not forget that it is not real water.If you drink it, it could be even_worse(better\worse)than being in a fire.

lose,firemen,wet,put out,worse