
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 14:50:18
我们使用ASP作为开发工具,SQL Server作为后台数据库,开发出了以B/S为模式的基于ASP的电子政务档案管理系统。此系统分为七大模块:档案库管理,用户管理,机构管理,档案管理,档案借阅,档案检索,我的档案,七个模块的功能都完全相对独立的设计,然后再将它们集成到一个总的控制模块中。来实现整个系统的设计完成。该系统将实现档案管理的各个流程,减少许多不必要的中间环节,提高档案管理的效率,使得档案的流转更迅速,利用更充分。

The electronic government affairs records management system is the
typical management information system (MIS), its development mainly
includes the backstage database the establishment and the maintenance
as well as front end the application procedure development two
aspects. Establishes the data uniformity and the integrity regarding
former request is strong, the data security good storehouse. But
requests regarding latter to have the application procedure function
completely, is easy to use and so on the characteristic. We use ASP to
take the development kit, SQL Server took the backstage database,
developed take B/S as the pattern based on the ASP electronic
government affairs records management system. This system divides into
seven big modules: The records depository management, the user
management, the organization management, the records management, the
file borrows, the file retrieval, my file, seven modules fu