VMware Workstation 如何设置网络啊 高手们都来帮帮吧

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 13:46:05
大家好我的系统是XP的,我最装了一个VMware Workstation 的虚拟主机软件,我在里头装一个红旗 Linux 可是在里我不知道在XP是台何设置网络,我用桥接的方式上网,啊在里头是一会可以一会不可以的跳来跳去的,我用其他方式都上不了,我不知道怎么样才能正确的设置VMware Workstation 的虚拟主机,我是路由上网方式,高手们都来看看吧!

? Connected — Check or uncheck this option while the virtual machine is running to connect or disconnect the virtual network adapter.
Connect at power on
Under Network connection, you can choose:
1. Bridged=网桥.这个和物理网桥的功能类似.
2. Bridged — If the host computer is on an Ethernet network, bridged networking is often the easiest way to give your virtual machine access to that network. With bridged networking, the virtual machine appears as an additional computer on the same physical Ethernet network as the host. A virtual machine with bridged networking may transparently use any of the services available on the network to which it is bridged, including file servers, pri