
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 06:43:46



体验北京的方式是多种多样的(在一些国家仍然沿用Peking这个称呼)。为了帮你了解北京独特的文化,历史和活生生的生活,2008.com可以帮助你最大限度的获取你在北京的逗留。即使这个网站已经向你提供了很多2008奥运会的信息,我们强力建议你去访问那座迷人的城市。这是一个值得你一次又一次去访问的城市。你总会有新的发现。为什么不给自己放个假到北京去一 趟呢?

Welcome to Beijing
Welcome to Beijing. Beijing is one of the world's major cities, is the 2008 Olympic host city. This is a three thousand years of history, cities, is an old intertwined charming city. Several hundred years, Beijing has been cultural and commercial center, is now a global metropolis.
Historically, Beijing has experienced several dynasties, such as the Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing. Since the year 1272, except for some exceptions, Beijing has been China's capital. Therefore, you will see outside the city, the world's longest history of the great monument.
Beijing, as well as various activities of the popular commercial establishments, it is because China's rapid development in recent years, making Beijing became Better City.
Experience the diversity of ways (in some countries still use the designation Beijing). To help you understand Beijing's unique culture, history and vivid life, 2008.com can help you maximize your access to