
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 06:57:52
Good morning. Let me say at the outset that what follows are the authors' views and should not be seen as the views of the International Monetary Fund or its management. The essential question our paper asks is, "Does foreign capital play a helpful, benign, or malign role in the process of economic growth?"
The theory is simple — First, capital should flow from rich countries to poor countries — because in the neoclassical model, the marginal product of a unit of capital is much higher in poor countries that are typically labor abundant and capital poor. Second, more productive poor countries should attract more foreign capital because they have the ability to use it better. And third, because it adds investible resources, and because of the collateral benefits of foreign capital such as bringing in new technologies of production and control, greater use of foreign capital should be associated with more growth.

早晨. 让我开宗明义指出,以下是作者的意见,而不应被看作 在听取了国际货币基金组织或其管理. 问题的关键,我们的文件要求, "没有外资发挥有益的良性, 或恶意的角色,在经济增长的进程? " 理论很简单,第一, 资本流动应该从富国向穷国的,因为在新古典模型, 边际产品的一个单位的资金却高得多,在贫穷国家,通常是劳动力丰富 资本穷人. 第二,更富有成效穷国应吸引更多的外资,因为它们有能力使用它变得更好. 第三,因为它投资的资源, 因为时间的附带利益的外资,如引进新技术,生产和控制, 更多地利用外资应与更大的增长.