
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 10:31:01
摘要: 进入21世纪的中国,随着国民经济的飞速发展,国内生产总值GDP前所未有的提高,物流这个相对新兴的产业也随着经济发展的浪潮得以充分发展和不断提高,物流是否真正意义上再中国形成了一个产业、中国物流产业的发展与运作是否在顺着良性健康的道路运行、怎样做才能促进我国物流产业的健康发展等 等,这些都是我国物流业界一直在不断探索和深度讨论的问题。


Abstract: Enters for the 21st century China, along with the national economy rapid development, the GDP GDP unprecedented enhancement, physical distribution this relatively emerging industry also can develop fully along with the economical development tide and enhance unceasingly, has physical distribution whether again China formed an industrial, the Chinese physical distribution industry development in the true sense and operates whether is being suitable the benign health path movement, how is doing can promote our country physical distribution industry healthy development and so on, these all are our country physical distribution field unceasingly is exploring and the depth discussion question continuously.
In the globalization 21st century, our country wants from the economical great nation to move towards the economical powerful nation, the Chinese physical distribution industry cannot graft stiffly, cannot truncate takes a higher position lowly, may not finish in a hast