
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 00:04:31
本文介绍了传统的项目投资方法以及它在实践中的缺陷,并介绍了期权定价理论和 Black-Scholes公式及其模型,该理论于1997年10月14日获得1997年度诺贝尔经济学奖。该理论及其模型推导异常复杂,使用却极其简单。此理论对于金融创新、金融衍生物定价、金融风险防范具有重要意义;也可以广泛使用于各种投资、产品开发的动态决策。期权是20世纪金融衍生市场创新的成功典范。期权市场已经成为国际金融市场的一个重要部分。期权定价理论不仅支撑着期权市场的发展, 同时推动了整个金融衍生市场的发展。回顾了经典的期权定价理论及欧式期权定价模型,对其进行了详细的评价,展望了未来期权定价理论的发展方向。

This paper describes the traditional investment methods and practice it in the gaps, and introduced the option pricing theory and the Black-Scholes formula and its model, The theory in the October 14, 1997 was 1997 Nobel Prize for Economics. The theory and the model is very complex, it is extremely simple to use. This theory for financial innovation, financial derivatives pricing, financial risk prevention is of great significance; can be widely used in various types of investment and product development of dynamic decision-making. Option of the 20th century, financial derivatives market model of successful innovation. Options market has become the international financial markets as an important part. Option pricing theory is not only to prop up the options market development, while promoting the entire financial derivatives market development. Recalling the classic option pricing theory and European option pricing model, its detailed evaluation, looked to the future option pricing