
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 18:14:51

关键词:全空气系统 ;岗位送风;厨房

Nanjing for the design of a public kitchen ventilation and air conditioning design, is a civilian air-conditioned comfort. Designed mainly for the bottom kitchen, dining room and operation, as its upper rooms. Kitchen of a total construction area of 297 ㎡. Designed with the whole set of VAV air system, using a local posts kitchen air, it can increase the air flow, enhance human convection and evaporation cooling. Full use of ventilation into the lower side of the Ministry of wind. Restaurant operating between gas flow is introduced into the top and sent back to lower side wind. The design of the main elements of the summer cooling load calculation, calculation of air handling process, select air handling equipment. Duct for water, and select the refrigeration equipment room. Because the design of the kitchen building, so the kitchen smoke control stringent design requirements. To meet the construction requirements, the need Rendering Home and air-conditioning systems-profile, refrig