
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 17:35:07

The advantage and shortage of the ineternet
Nowadays,with the development of the science and technology,the internet is uesd quite widely.Pepole obtain various kinds of source and knowledge from internet.Thus,there is coming to an issue that whther the internet is benify to pepole or harm for us.
Some pepole surpppot the internet,they consider that the internet should be advocated and it cannot be overemphsized because of it's importance that pepole cannt live without it.On the contarty,however,others claim thatthe internet make our sciety confusion,such as unhealth information,unregular games and forth.
As far as my knowledge concerned,both of viewpoints are not perfect.Not only should we know the advantage of the internet,but also find the shortage of the internet.