
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 15:23:01
姓名:AAA 出身日期:1986。08。20
出身地:BB 学历:中专


东兰路小学 1995.9--2000.7
田林中学 2000.9—2004.7
徐汇职业高级中学 2004.9--2007.7
华亭宾馆 2006.6—2007至今

本人性格开朗,思维敏捷 对工作刻苦认真负责 一丝不苟有良好的团队合作精神 并能协助领导培训新人、深的领导的赏识。在校期间成绩名列前茅,能帮助其他同学共同进步 是同学的好朋友老师的好助手 .曾经获得学校比赛的中式点心第一名和雕刻第三名。本人拥有中式烹调中级,中式点心中级和西式点心初级

Name : AAA birth date : 1986. 08. 20 descent to : BB education : secondary home telephone : XXXXXXX phone : XXXXXXX
Educational background : East Portland Road Primary School 1995.9 -- 2000.7 Tian Lin Xuhui Vocational School 2000.9-2004.7 senior 2004.9 -- 2007.7 work experience : Huating 2006.6-2007
self-evaluation : I cheerful disposition. quick thinking seriously to work hard for a good meticulous team spirit and leadership training to help newcomers The leadership of the deep appreciation. At the school among the best results, can help other students progress of the students is a good friend teacher aides. Competition has been granted the school the first Chinese dim sum and sculpture from the third. I have intermediate Chinese cooking, Chinese dim sum intermediate and junior Western dessert

Name: AAA family background date: 1,986. 08. 20 Family background place: BB □□: Center □ Family □□: XXXXXXX handset: XXXXXXX Educational background: □□Lu Hsiao? 1995.9--200