谁能帮我翻译成英文一下 谢谢了 急用啊

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 06:29:54
本系统用Visual basic6.0作前端的应用开发工具,制作了系统界面和完成各项操作的各个窗体、控件,同时添加相应的代码以实现其功能。利用Microsoft Access 2000作为后台的数据库。建立了图书管理系统数据库,包含系统信息、书籍信息、书籍类别、读者信息、读者类别和图书借阅6个互相关联的关系表。在数据库支持方面采用ADO Data控件作为数据访问接口,可以实现与数据库的连接、传递、删除数据和更新数据库等功能。基本实现对于读者管理,书籍管理和借阅管理的自动化控制。在使其具有实用性和可操作性的同时,系统还设计了登录密码,以保证系统的安全性。

The system used for the Visual basic6.0 forefront of the application development tools, produced by the system interface and the complete operation of the various windows, controls, the addition of the corresponding code to achieve its function. Microsoft Access 2000 as a background database. Established a library management system database contains information about the system, information books, books category, readers information, Category readers to borrow books and six interrelated relationship table. Support in the database used as ADO Data Control data access interface, can be achieved with database connectivity, transmission, the deletion of data and update the database, and other functions. For readers achieve basic management, the management and borrow books management automation control. It is the practical and operable, the system is also designing a login password to ensure system security. The system has already been tested, which can be applied to practical work.