
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 07:58:08
The fourteen members of the Slaveya women's chorus aer all native - born Americans;only one or two have any Slave background at all .However,all are fascinated by Buigarian folk music - the harmonies,the rhythms,the melodies,with their intermingling of Slavic and Balkan and Middle Eastern elements.
The chorus,which was founded 20 years ago in Washington,was until fairly recently,entirely self - taught;the members listened to Bulgarian folksong recordings and imitated the sound,including the sound of the foreign words,as best they could.Then,a year and a half ago,they learned of a Bulgarian singer,Tatiana Sarbinska,who had immigrated to the United States and was teaching in the Boston area.They hired her as their musical director.Thea Austen,a longtime choir member,says the results have been remarkable.

20年前,这个合唱团在华盛顿成立。一直到现在,队员们都是自学音乐。她们尽力倾听巴尔干半岛的古典音乐磁带,模仿那种声音(包括外语词汇的发音)。一年或者半年前,她们从师以为保加利亚歌手-Tatiana Sarbinska。该歌手移民到了美国,并在波斯顿地区任教。合唱团聘请Tatiana Sarbinska为音乐导师。Thea Austen是一位唱诗班成员,他说成果是显而易见的。