
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 20:30:10
伊丽莎白出生于1533年,他的父亲是亨利八世,母亲是安娜·布琳是亨利的第二个妻子。在1536年安娜被斩首,尽管遭到了英国国会的这种挫折,伊丽莎白还是在皇室中哺育成人,受到良好的教育。伊丽莎白也十分刻苦的学习 .1547年当伊丽莎白13岁的时候,亨利八世死了.

1558年当玛丽死去由25岁的伊丽莎白继位。 年轻的女王即刻面临着许多问题:与法国的战争;与苏格兰和西班牙的紧张关系;尤其突出的是英国国内的宗教派别之间的尖锐矛盾。

In the summer, I read <<Elizabeth I> "by the book, let me know how Elizabeth is a remarkable Queen.
Elizabeth was born in 1533, his father was Henry VIII, and her mother is Annabulin is Henry's second wife. In 1536 Diana was beheaded, despite the British Parliament this setback, Elizabeth or were nurtured in the Royal adult and receive good education. Elizabeth is also very hard learning .1547, when 13-year-old Elizabeth when Henry VIII died.
In 1558 when Mary died from the 25-year-old Elizabeth throne. Young Queen immediately faced with many issues : the war with France; Scotland and Spain and the tense relations; In particular, the British domestic denominational sharp conflicts between.
Despite the efforts made to the various crises, Elizabeth still become a very good Queen, although some people think Elizabeth is a woman, is not well managed countries.
but, Elizabeth used her actions prove that a woman can be well managed countries.