Computer Problem

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 16:38:42
i've something wrong with my computer now...anybody help?
I bought my laptop here in canada 3 days ago,it's great...and here's the problem,I can open a website in chinese and everything is ok,I can read everything..but when it's time for me to download some software(e.g QQ or XunLei or Kugoo)...i can install then but i can't read those word on it at all(unrecognable code) nor can I read the message from my friends from QQ!~~~

Anyone who had such an crazy experience can help??

Thanks a lot=)

问题是你的电脑的默认语言不是中文,而这些软件都是中文研发的,所有就不性行.你可以去下QQ的英文版.或者装中文版的操作系统.either is OK! All by yourself!