My teacher ---Hellen keller 英文原文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 09:29:19
No matter what happens.Keep on
beginning.Each time you fail,start all over again.You will grow stronger each time, until you can do and finish what you stared out to do.

Helen Keller
??If Helen Keller were to shake hands with you today and then meet you and shake hands again five years later, she would rememeber you.
??Mark Twain once said, “The two most interesting characters of the nineteenth century are Napoleon and Helen Keller.” When Mark Twain said that, Helen Keller was only fifteen years old. Today she still remains one of the most interesting characters of the twentieth century.
??Helen Keller is totally blind, yet she has read far more books than most people who can see. She has probably read a hundred times as many books as the average person, and she has written seven books herself. She made a motion picture of her own life and acted in it. She is totally deaf, yet she enjoys music far more than many people who can hear.
??For nine years of her life, she was deprived of the power of speech; yet she has delivered lectures in every state in the Union, for four years, she appeared as a headliner in vaudev