求the cranberries的英文简介

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 10:17:26
两位是找抽么- -这种回答我不知道找了多少。在此拜托各位达人帮忙,不了解此乐队的可参考以下资料:
爱尔兰是一片音乐的圣土,这里孕育出了无数优秀的歌手与乐队,象U2、Enya、Sinead Oconnor、Boyzone和Westlife等。然而最具有特别意义的却是The Cranberries 〔卡百利乐队,又译为小红莓乐队〕。The Cranberries是爱尔兰历史上最伟大的另类摇滚乐队之一,组建于1990年5月,现在的主唱Dolores出身于天主教家庭,自幼咏唱圣歌,练就了一副纯情如水,荡气回肠的好嗓子。不久后,就凭借她的音乐天赋和创作才华成为乐队真正的灵魂人物。 乐队首张专辑《Everybody Elesis Doing it,so Why Can't We?》获得巨大成功,第二张专辑《No need to Argue》发行时,卡百利已是一只世界级的乐队了。 值得一提的是The Cranberries所有的歌曲都围绕一个主题——呼唤和平。他们为因为战争而死去的儿童悲歌,为失去家园的人们惋惜。他们坚持自己的音乐风格,从不随波逐流。

The official online community of recording artist, The Cranberries. The site provides music and videos, articles, biographies, and a complete directory of The Cranberries resources on the Web.

For the Cranberries, assembling a best-of covering the first decade of their career means compiling their singles in chronological order, which turns out to be a foolproof approach for a band that can be uneven over the course of a full-length album but has always managed to express itself well on the two-to-four catchiest cuts. ("Hollywood" and "You & Me" were not singles chosen for release as such by the band, but they were put out in individual territories.) From "Dreams" and the breakthrough hit "Linger" to the sometimes harder-rocking and more political efforts such as "Zombie" and "Free to Decid