What is the difference between the international and the global firm?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 02:54:47
Please give the basic difference conecpts of these two terms, and two simple examples seperately, please reply me as soon as possible, thanks so much indeed!
extra info
This question does not refer to the writting or the exam, it will be introduced as some sorts of idea of business world within my presentation in the class.
sorry, the question just focus the companies wich are international or global

INTERNATIONAL FIRM - simply do import and export, operates in foreign countries through licensing and franchising, managed by nationals of home country, concentrates in some countries or regions

GLOBAL FIRM - invests and is present in many countries, has affiliates, subsidiaries and branches in many countries, draws resources such as labor,capital and materials from a global pool, pursues global business strategy.


Oh, pretty much likewise
In the Oxford Dictionary,
international means:between nations or concering more than one nation,
Example:An international organization
An internarional game
Also. international can be used as noun,itmeans someone who enters the world-wide competition
Global means:
of or concerning the whole world.
Example:Global warming
events of golbal importance

