英文翻译 4句

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 17:36:50
1 请查收附件
2 昨天你来过我们店里,并且拿了一些样板,以下是你那些样板的价格
3 如果有什么需要可以打我们店里电话
4 祝你工作顺利 天天开心

1.Please check out the attachment
2.You came arround our store and get some samples,the following are thier price list
3.please feel free to call me in any kind of need
4.Wish everything is goning well with your work and Be happy everyday!

1. Please see the attachment.
2. Yesterday you came to my store, and took some templates. This is the price of them.
3. If you need anything, be sure to give us / our store a call.
4. Wish you work successfully, and be happy everyday!

1Please check and receive my attachments.
2Yesterday you've visit our shop, and got some models.The prices of those models show below:
3If you need something, you can phone to our shop
4. have a good work and be happy everyday!

please check the inclosure

the following are prices for samples you taken from my shop yesterday

give me a call if you need help

have a good day
