中文翻译英文~~就2句话 谢谢 谁能帮我 快

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 07:58:13

We sent you the Order 879 last time, but still no response (from you).response用confirmation都可以。
Please confirm us(或者用let us know) on that. Thanks


Last time on May 8th our company had mailed the books as your order NO 879, but we haven't received your feedback untill now. If you have received the books, please inform us as soon as possible, thanks.

Last time,our company posted the ordering book No. 879 on May 8th, but by now we still haven't received any reply from you company.So if you have received the book, please inform us of it. Thanks.

Last May 8, I mailed the company has ordered 879 of the book, but until now has not received your company's letter. So if your company be the case, please notify my company, thank you.

Last May 8, I mailed the company has ordered 879 of the book, but until now has not received your company's letter. So if your company be the \