
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 04:44:19
窗外常青藤上的叶子很快就要落光了。我想,叶子都落光的时候,我也要去了。楼下给苏做模特儿的Old Behrman觉得我的想法很荒唐。没想到,一连几天,常青藤上最后一片叶子始终紧紧挂在藤上。

Sinomenine window on the often leaves the light will soon be charged. I think that the leaves are down-time, I also want to the. So do modeling downstairs to the Old Behrman I think the idea is absurd. Unexpectedly, for a few days, and often the last Sinomenine always closely linked to a leaf on the vine

Outside the window often on cocculus tunbergii's leaf very quick had to fall up .I think the leaf all falls the light time, I also must go.Under the building makes model's Old Behrman to Soviet to think my idea is very absurd .Has not thought of on the cocculus tunbergii the last leaf is often tight throughout hangs on the cane as soon as links several days.

Outside the window often on cocculus tunbergii's leaf very quick had to fall up.I thought, the leaf all falls the light time, I also had to go.Under the building makes model's Old Behrman to Soviet to think my idea is very absurd.Had not thought, as soon as links several days, on the cocculus tunbergi