英语题(好难~~~):Complete the sentences with a word from each box.

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:27:02
Ⅰ amounted glued idea launched linked turned value way
Ⅱ down from of of on to to to
⑴During the first moon landing in 1969, million of people were (glued to)their televisions.
⑵In the nineteenth century most people thought the ( )( )flight was nonsense.
⑶None of Schiller's early experiments before he was thirty.( )( )anything.
⑷By the end of the 1970s vinyl records were ( )their ( ) out.
⑸Several publishers ( )( ) his book before it was eventually accepted.
⑹My computer is ( )( ) the network via a modem.
⑺The discovery of penicillin was ( ) enormous ( ) in the Second World War.
⑻The satellite was ( )( ) Cape Canaveral.

2,idea of
3,amounted to
4,on way
5,turned down
6,linked to
7,of value
8,launched from

⑴During the first moon landing in 1969, million of people were (glued to)their televisions.
⑵In the nineteenth century most people thought the (trans) (Atlantic)flight was nonsense.
⑶None of Schiller's early experiments before he was thirty.(found )(out )anything.
⑷By the end of the 1970s vinyl records were ( on)their ( way) out.
⑸Several publishers ( seriously)(reviewed ) his book before it was eventually accepted.
⑹My computer is (connected )(to ) the network via a modem.
⑺The discovery of penicillin was ( an) enormous (achievement ) in the Second World War.
⑻The satellite was ( launched )(in ) Cape Canaveral.


⑴During the first moon landing in 1969, million of people were (glued to)their televisions.
⑵In the nineteenth century most people thought the (idea)(of)f