
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 22:27:47

1. 这个地方交通发达 和设施完善

2. 在这样里买东西可以有很多选择

3. 乘搭公共交通工具

4. 减少废气

5. 这里每年在不同的节日都蕙举办不同的活动 , 气氛非常热闹

1. This local traffic developed and the facility is perfect

2. In in goes shopping like this may have very chooses

3. Rides the mass transit tool

4. Reduced waste gas

5. Here conducts the different activity every year in different holiday all Hui, The atmosphere is extremely lively

1. here there are developed traffic system and perfect facility
2. you will have many choices when you are shopping
3. you can go by the poblic transportation vehicles
4. you'd better reduce discharging waste gas
5. here there will be different activities in different festivals, with extremely lively atmosphere