
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 20:14:23
我的照片你还留着吧?我很 想念你,真的很想念.虽然我们只相处了几天的时间,但你给我的印象我一辈子都会记得.

SORRY, I have never written to you, not becauseof my forgeting you, butbecause I have not had enough time since starting a new term. I the third day already, in China, we must go to high school through examination. I even feel luxurious to have a rest now. I know students of U.S.A. have many vacant time, they can play, go shopping, travel, have free time to arrange themselves. So their lives are very happy. (I envy this so much~~)But in China, we must be diligent, some children have even got psychological disease because of hard study. I know that's terrible ! Sometimes I do hope to go to U.S.A. to study and experience such kind of different educational mode. But the reality is that I have to stay in China. By the way, have you explained your experience on summer vacation to your students? Have you introduced me to them? Do you still keep my photo? I miss you so much, I really miss very much. Though we have only got along with each other for several days, the impression y