
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 21:38:55

With the rapid development of electronics industry, electronic technology to the convenience brought about by the life of almost nowhere to no. In recent years many universities public restaurants, we can see an electronic card replaces the traditional meal ticket so that students dine become convenient health, but also makes canteen management modernization a reality. Students hold one card, in the school canteen provided by the arbitrary installed售饭crew swiped from售饭machine operators deducted买饭required amount after the successful operation of the students Stubbs cards, complete operation, the consumption of all records stored in advance售饭crew, the mess hall managers regularly upload consumption data, print summary and related statements. This is饭卡management system. A non-contact IC card as a means of payment cards to computer systems for information processing methods of modern information management system, on the one hand increases the speed, improve efficiency and reduce cash f