
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 16:58:21
Believe or not, many tigers have been persecuted and killed simply because of the color of their skin. Shere Khan almost faced such a horrific death - at the hands of man. Like many of his ancestors, he was bred to be a white tiger because zoos will pay as much as $30,000.00 to have one of these rare animals to help attract the paying public. Unfortunately though, bearing a white tiger is a genetic fluke. Therefore, hundreds of unwanted golden colored cubs are born and then discarded in order to produce that one valuable white cub. Many of the little golden cubs are destroyed or sold to exotic pet owners. They often end up being abused, abandoned, killed for their fur, or cruelly hunted and slain for fun at big game ranches.

After having the misfortune of being born the wrong color, things went from bad to worse for Shere Khan. Unwanted and uncared for at only four months old, he was living full time in a tiny pet carrier. Soon, his growing body was almost bulging ou

信不信由你,很多老虎仅仅因为它们毛皮的颜色就被残杀了。Shere Khan (人名?虎名?)差一点就面对了这样可怕的死亡——在人类手中。像很多它的祖先一样,它生来就是一只白虎,因为动物园出了高达$30,000,00的价钱来拥有这样一只稀有的动物,以此吸引公众。尽管不幸,白老虎的出生是一种基因突变。因此,为了得到一只珍贵的白老虎,成百上千的不被需要的金色幼虎在出生后就被遗弃。很多幼虎被杀,或者被贩卖给有特殊嗜好的宠物主人。它们的生命常常结束于虐待,遗弃,剥皮,或者在残忍的为了娱乐而进行的游戏狩猎中。
在不幸带着一身错误的颜色出生后,对于Shere Khan来说,生活变得雪上加霜。只有4个月大时,它既没人要更没人照料,始终被关在一个狭窄的宠物笼中。很快,它正在长大的身躯就几乎从笼中挤出。得不到合适的饮食,Shere Khan的牙齿和骨骼都变得非常脆弱,因此它不坐下休息的话甚至不能连续走出几步。一段时间后,它的牙齿实际上已经在头骨处腐坏了,带来的面颊剧痛甚至令它呜咽。
幸运的是,Shere Khan被大型猫科动物援助组织发现并救出。他们及时拯救了它的恒牙(我不知道虎牙的名称和人的是不是一样,姑且这样称呼),并恢复了它的骨骼强度。获得新生之后,Shere Khan 已经长成了一只约重800磅的老虎。在此前提下,它成为了最受宠的猫科动物之一,随着它在喜爱它的游客面前漫步在它三英亩的地盘(这个实在不知道怎么直译,不好意思),和它75磅重的药球(这是什么?!)玩,或者在湖中戏水。
你可以去大型猫科动物救助组织完全认可的非赢利性教育救助基地拜访,面对面的见到 Shere Khan 。这是唯一一个你可以和这些充满力量的食肉动物靠近3英尺以内的地方。在这里,你可以参观超过16种,100只猫科动物,它们构成了世界上数量最大种类最多的特殊猫科动物聚集地。你做出的任何捐赠都是免税的,它将帮助大型猫科动物援助组织继续庇护,喂养和照料这些猫科动物。


由于他们的皮肤的颜色相信或没有,许多老虎被迫害了并且被杀害了。 由于人的作用, Shere Khan几乎面对这样可怕死亡-。 象许多,因为动物园将支付多达$30,000.0