who is your favourte singer? why do you like her or him?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:31:57
我是大一新生 我们大学英语要口试 要求每个问题 说5分钟的答案用英语 怎么办啊 我英语不好

Jay Chow Biography :
English Name: Jay Chou / Chow
Education: Tan Jiang High School (Music)
Marital Status: Single
Favorite Sports: Swimming, bowling
Instruments: Piano, viola, guitar, cello, jazz drum
Favorite Sports: Basketball, nunchucks
Favorite Music: R&B, Soul, Hip-Hop
Favorite Singer: Usher, Babyface
Favorite Musician: Chopin, Liszt, Yo-Yo Ma
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Chicken
Favorite Actor: Jet Li
Favorite NBA Player: Michael Jordan
Childhood Dream: Become Bruce Lee
Hobbies: Songwriting, movies, basketball, electronic games
Strengths: Writing songs/lyrics, sports
Weaknesses: Shy, soft-hearted, easily nervous

He may be still young, but look out world! He may surprise you! If you ask around, many would say that the music world has a new leader - the real king is Jay chou. As a child, Jay chou was never too good at academic subjects, and when he didn't