
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 15:02:10
Halfway up the mountain, we saw a grain mill with a stone roller in it. It was the very same image as shot in the household drama Tai Ji Zong Shi (The Shadowboxing Master). All visitors must love to try out the roller as they pass by. Also in this village, we saw Yan Shouyi's old house from director Feng Xiaogang's film Cell Phone. To our great surprise, Yan Shouyi's grandmother in the movie happened to be the owner of this house. Sitting on the kang shot in the film, you can see film stills hanging on the wall.

在半山腰,我们看到了有石磨的谷物作坊。这样情景和家庭剧Tai Ji Zong Shi (The Shadowboxing Master)中的画面一模一样。所有的游人都喜欢在他们经过石磨的时候尝试一下。也是在这个村子里,我们看到了冯小刚导演的电影手机中,严守一的旧居。令我们惊讶的是,严守一在电影里的祖母正好是这个房子的主人。坐在电影中拍到的炕上,你能看到挂在墙上的电影剧照。
