
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 15:22:02
The current study is an important step towards the understanding of rudimental HR practices among small private firms in China. It helps increase understanding of how firms start to build their HR systems, with or without the influence of Western HR practices, and which factors play a determining role in system development. From the study we learned that in the case of small private firms, the owner’s commitment is the key that determines the HR status of the firms.
Without the owner’s commitment, even when the right conditions are in place, such as good Guanxi as well as enough resources and time, an advanced HR system is not developed. Secondly, the Guanxi with other stakeholders is another determinant factor of HR status in these small private firms. Good Guanxi is a condition of survival for small private firms (Jawahar & McLaughlin, 2001; Peng, 2001); without it, they are not able to pay full attention to their HR system. Under
huge external pressure, small private firms

当前研究是往对在小私有企业之中的基本HR实践的理解的重要步在中国。 它帮助增量理解对企业怎样开始建立他们的HR系统,有或没有西部HR的影响实践,并且因素在系统开发扮演一个确定的角色。 从研究我们获悉在小私有企业情况下, owner’s承诺是确定企业的HR状态的钥匙。
Without owner’s承诺,既使当合适条件是到位,例如好Guanxi并且足够资源和时间,一个先进的HR系统没有被开发。 其次,与其他赌金保管人的Guanxi是HR状态另一个定列式因素在这些小私有企业中。 好Guanxi是生存的情况小私有企业的(Jawahar & McLaughlin 2001年; 彭2001); 没有它,他们不能给予充分的关注对他们的HR系统。 下面
huge外压,小私有企业也许寻找许多不同的方式生存,包括坏对待雇员,也许是汗水商店发源的地方。 当前研究由事实限制我们只采访了的所有者每家商行。 这限制了我们的能力核实陈述的HR实践是否由雇员也察觉,并且雇员怎么起反应或起反应对这些实践。