
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 06:53:45

最佳影片Best Motion Picture of the Year:

最佳导演Best Achievement in Directing:
李安Ang Lee【断背山】Brokeback Mountain

最佳男主角Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role:
菲利普赛摩霍夫曼Philip Seymour Hoffman【柯波帝:冷血告白】Capote

最佳女主角Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role:
瑞丝薇斯朋Reese Witherspoon【为你钟情】Walk the Line

最佳男配角Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role:
乔治克隆尼George Clooney【谍对谍】Syriana

最佳女配角Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role:
瑞秋怀兹Rachel Weisz【疑云杀机】The Constant Gardener

最佳原著剧本Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen:
保罗海吉斯Paul Haggis,Robert Moresco【冲击效应】Crash

最佳改编剧本Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published:
赖瑞麦可莫特瑞Larry McMurtry,黛安娜欧莎娜Diana Ossana【断背山】Brokeback Mountain

最佳摄影Best Achievement in Cinematography:
狄恩毕布Dion Beebe【艺妓回忆录】Memoirs