
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 19:20:06
Hydraulic structures is the most buildings in the water, or frequent contact with water. Such buildings must be subjected to sea erosion, and other harmful, and therefore their structures and materials have special requirements, Also be especially strong durable. According to a variety of purposes, the port hydraulic structures can be divided into protective buildings, the terminal buildings, buildings revetment three categories.
1.A protective protective buildings with the majority of buildings in the harbor to prevent waves on the impact of Hong Kong, Some used to prevent sediment and ice flow into the harbor. This outlying buildings in the deep waters, to withstand the tremendous shock waves and therefore the construction of the stable and strong, often large scale, so as to the wave impedance Sham role.
2. The terminal buildings terminal building is the main port of hydraulic structures. It consists of the main structure and ancillary equipment is composed of two parts.

1 保护型的建筑栏杆围墙栏杆围墙 在港湾中起到主导作用的保护型建筑是用来防止波浪对香港港口的冲击的,还有一些用于阻止泥沙和冰块流到港口里面的。这种在深水中的外部建筑是为了抵抗大量的波浪拍打的冲击所以这种结构就必须很强壮并且很牢固,就像是波浪抵抗坝的功能一样。
2 终端建筑 终端建筑是水力结构中的主要部分。它包括了主要结构和辅助设施,两个结构。主要结构包括了,上部栏杆围墙和梁结构以及提供给船只抛锚的地方;下部栏杆围墙或者说大片的管道类基础结构,例如 排水管。辅助设施大概包括,系船柱,木桩,一些中心管道连接设施,门借方 和横栏和路面。
3 护岸和十字港口以及船只都称为海岸线终端,其他的没有用到是因为天然的斜坡常常受到潮水的影响并且摇晃它的基点。如果相关的软土被倾斜的话。