哪位大哥能帮忙翻译下这段 万谢~~~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 08:01:47
But North America, with far fewer countries in its fold, has also been quite insular. Close to a third of North American exports are inter-regional. Little has changed since the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture.

It is widely accepted that three sets of actors account for this failure of the AoA:

First, in order to push through an agreement when there were signs that the Uruguay Round was faltering, the liberalisation of agricultural trade in the developed countries was not pushed far enough;

Second, is the ability to use "loopholes", especially those in the form of inadequately well-defined Green and Blue Box measures, in the AoA, to continue to support and protect farmers on the grounds that such support was non-trade distorting; and

Finally, there are violations of even the lax UR rules in the course of implementation, which have been aided by the failure of the agreement to ensure transparency in implementation.

但北美洲,国家少得多,在其5倍,也比较狭隘。近三分之一的北美出口是跨区域性的。几乎没有改变,因为乌拉圭回合农业协议。人们普遍认为,有三组占了这次失败的农产品协议:首先,为了推动通过一项协议时,有迹象表明,乌拉圭回合是摇摇欲坠,开放农产品贸易中,发达国家并没有被推远远不够的;其次,是能够利用的"漏洞" ,特别是那些在形式不够清楚界定的,绿和蓝箱措施,在农产品协议,继续支持和保护农民的意见,理由是这种支持的非贸易扭曲;及

但是北美洲,有它的折叠的为数不多的国家的,也相当岛屿。 接近北美洲出口三分之一两地间。 一点从关于农业的乌拉圭回合协议改变了。


Second,是能力使用“漏洞”,特别是那些以不充分地明确定义绿色的形式,并且蓝色框在AoA测量,继续支持,并且保护农夫,根据这样支持是非换变形; 并且
实施其间, Finally,那里是侵害甚而松驰UR条例,由协议的失败援助了保证在实施的透明度。