急~~~SOS 乃位高人帮偶翻译下

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 00:55:19
在国际贸易业务往来中,交易双方在进行交易洽商中往往以商务信函的方式进行. 而商务信函写作能力直接影响到买家对公司的评估。给买家的每一份信函、邮件或者传真,都代表着公司的形象,显示公司的水平和实力。所以,商务信函写作决定了能否以专业的方式跟买家进行有效的沟通,在国际贸易业务往来中占据着举足轻重的地位。

During international trade trasactions, the buyers and the sellers often bargin with each other in the form of commercial letters. And the writing ability of commercial letters directly affect the buyers' assessment to the counterparts' company.Commercial letters,no matter it's a letter, mail or fax, represent the image of your company and reveals your company's level and power.Therefore, the writing ability of commercial letters determines if one can conduct effective communication with the buyer in a professional approach and it holds the balance upon transactions in international trade.