中译英啊!!!~~~在线等 简单的啊

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 14:20:41
2.众所周知,网络技术在最近十年改善了很多。(over the past decade)
3.重庆至上海的路线中,船沿途经过著名的长江三峡。(past through)
4.在预定机票前请先确认是否有经济舱位。(available,economy class)

The latest visit to the Hongkong Disneyland offered a lot of joy to my whole family .

As is known to all, Internet Technology has improved a lot over the past decade.

In the route from Chongqing to Shanghai, the boat passed through the famous Three Gorges.

Please make sure that the seat of economy class is available before booking the ticket.

The adventage of traveling by train is the timely and efficient service.


the latest visit to Hongkong disney island offer a lot of joy to my family

it is all know that the technology of network has been improved signifcantly over the past decade

in the route from chongqing ti shanghai,the ship past through the famous sanxia valley

to check if there is any economy class availiable before reserve the air ticket

the advantage of travalling by train is punctual and effective services

1.My recent tour to the Hongkong Disneyland o