
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 04:28:08

According to legend is in 30 time, near Chengdu little town, have Chao Hua of Guo of one man name, rather wife it is Ye in order to make film of lung of ox of carry out cold and dressed with sause together, their husband and wife two operate personally, take a market to string together alley, promote goal to peddle. The film of lung of cold and dressed
with sause that is managed as a result of them is made careful, local color is distinctive, love by people. To distinguish inn of booth of general lung film, people call them "of film of lung of" husband and wife. After setting shop to manage, using on makings more exquisite, wait with beef, heart, tongue, abdomen, scalp replace original and onefold lung,
quality rises increasingly. To carry the original special flavor of this dish, "The name of" of film of lung of husband and wife all the time continue to use up to now.

Raw material:

Beef, niu Za (abdomen