
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 20:40:46
The most active catalyst proved to be Na2CO3-activated
dimeric [Ru(bpy)(CO)2Cl]2 with a turnover frequency (mol
product/mol Ru per 24 h) as high as 17200. The finding
is in reasonable good agreement with the activity of the
NaOH-activated dimer and it is likely that the same catalytically active species was formed as a result of both base
activations. Also, the catalytic activity of the dimer is on the same order of magnitude as the activities of Na2CO3activated
monomeric complexes, [Ru(bpy)(CO)2ClH] and [Ru(bpy)(CO)2Cl2], which may indicate that the active species is similar in all of these three cases.

最活跃的催化剂被证明是碳酸钠激活二聚体[茹( bpy ) (上合作) 2Cl ]的2年营业额频率(摩尔产品/ mol的茹每24小时)高达17200 。调查结果是在合理的好协议的形式与活动的氢氧化钠激活二聚体,并且很可能同时催化活性物种形成,由于这两个基地的激活。此外,催化活性的二聚体是对同一量级的活动na2co3activated单体络合物, [茹( bpy ) (上CO )的2clh ]与[茹( bpy ) (上CO )的配合物] ,这可能表明,该活跃的品种类似,在所有这三个个案。
