
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 13:03:23
这本书告诉我们:一个农庄的动物不堪主人的压迫,在猪的带领下起来反抗,赶走了农庄主;它们建立起一个自己管理自已的家园,奉行“All animals are equal”的原则;这时,人类安排了反攻. 虽然拥有枪炮弹药,但在Snowball与Napoleon的领导下动物们还是勇敢无畏的击败了人类. " the Battle of the Cowshed "成了革命成功后的一次大胜仗,大大鼓舞了动物们的信心.尝到了革命果实的甘美,农场更名为“Animal Farm”并且制定了庄园的宪法——七诫。
后来, Snowball与Napoleo为了权力而互相倾轧,结果Napoleo胜利了,从此宣布Snowball是叛徒、内奸,并将其驱除出去;后来以Napoleo为首的猪们逐渐侵占了其他动物的劳动成果,成为新的特权阶级;动物们稍有不满,便招致血腥的清洗;此后,获取了领导权的猪拥有了越来越大的权力和越来越多的特别待遇,逐渐脱离了其他动物,最终蜕变成为和人类完全一样的牲畜剥削者,动物庄园的名字也被放弃。
统治者Napoleo迫切需要使动物与人结成同盟,建立起独裁专制;农庄的理想被修正为“'All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”,动物们又回复到从前的悲惨状况。


This book tells us: Animals in the farm cann't stand the opression under their master, led by the pig, , they drove the owners of the farm away,building up their own home ruled by themselves , adherence to the principle of "All animals are equal" ; and then, the human arranged a counterattack. although they were equipped with guns and ammunitions, but under the the leadership of Snowball and Napoleon , the animals defeated human beings bravely. "the Battle of the Cowshed" had became a great victory after the success of the revolution , the animals were all greatly encouraged. tasting the fruits of the revolution Commissioner, Later the farm was renamed by "Animal Farm" and they made a law to the farm - "Seven Commandment".
Later on, Snowball and Napoleo conficted each other for power ,and the Napoleo won in that at last, decribing Snowball as a traitor and agent provocateur,and drove him away,