
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 03:46:33
20012=When volume in shadow mode, all changes made to it are redirected and not committed to

the original volume.
20013=Put the volumes selected into Shadow Mode.
20014=Get the volumes selected out of Shadow Mode.
20015=Discard all changes in shadow mode and get all volumes out of shadow mode.

130008=&Force dismount volume
130009=Forcing a dismount might cause unexpected errors\nin the application that is using

this volume.\n\nDo you want to continue?

140000=Shadow Defender
140001=Some volumes you selected cannot exit Shadow Mode (maybe some files ared used by

other applications), a reboot or shutdown is needed for the change to take effect.\n\nDo you

want to reboot or shutdown now?
140002=\nA reboot or shutdown is needed for the change to take effect.\n\n\nDo you want to

reboot or shutdown now?

20012 =量时,在影子模式下,所有的变化,向它提出的是调整,并没有承诺

20013 =把卷选拔进影子模式。
20014 =得到卷筛选出的影子模式。
20015 =抛弃一切变化影子模式,并取得全部卷走出阴影模式。

130008 = &武力下车卷
130009 =逼下车可能会造成意想不到的错误\万年的应用就是用

这一卷。了\ n \ ndo你想继续下去?

140000 =影子后卫
140001 =有些卷,你可以选择不退出影子模式(或许有些档案台区用

其他应用程序) ,重新开机或关机,是需要为修改生效。了\ n \ ndo你

140002 = \娜重新开机或关机,是需要为修改生效。了\ n了\ n \ ndo你想

140003 = &重启
140004 = &关机
140005 =取消

150000 =影子后卫
150001 =警告:本操作不能还原。 \ ndo你真的想承担数据传送到

150002 =犯下&删除的文件
150003 =不& recurse到子文件夹