
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:25:29
一. 甲方责任与义务

1. 审阅乙方提供的申请人资料,提供专业意见.
2. 根据乙方申请人的需求在加拿大找雇主, 安排雇员与雇主进行有效沟通.
3. 办理在加拿大的所有工作申请手续;并为乙方提供申请人移民面试所需的雇主方的资料及加国政府的工作批文.
4. 负责接机;帮助被聘雇员在雇主家安定及协助办理工卡,医疗卡等工作所需证件.
5. 帮助乙方申请人在加拿大顺利完成累积两年的家政护理师工作及顺利转移民身份, 但收取的相关业务费.

二. 乙方责任与义务

1. 为甲方提供受过职业培训的保姆雇员;按照加拿大政府的相关法规,挑选及审核在中国的家政护理师项目的申请人.
2. 在加拿大哥伦比亚省不可设有另外的家政护理师项目的合作伙伴; 在同等的条件下,要优先供给甲方保姆资源
3. 按甲方要求制作所有家政申请人的个人有效材料.
4. 对申请人进行面签辅导,协助准备及审核申请面签材料,以确保签证率.
5. 按程序及时收取申请人的费用及付款给甲方.

三. 费用安排
1. 在签订本协议时,乙方一次性付给甲方人民币(40,000)元作为诚信抵押金.
2. 每签订一份用工申请,乙方向甲方付款人民币(8,000)元.
3. 每收到一份加拿大政府的工作确认信,乙方向甲方付款人民币(8,000)元.
4. 被聘雇员收到工作签证后,乙方付给甲方人民币(20,000)元.
5. 完成10名工作签证后,甲方退回乙方人民币(40,000)元的抵押金,或从以后的付费中扣除.

四. 退款原则
1. 如因雇员中途解约,费用安排(2)中的人民币(8,000)元不予退回.
2. 如因雇主方原因未获得签证, 费用安排(2)及(3)中的人民币(8,000)元由甲方退回给乙方;

1. Owner responsibilities and obligations

1. Scrutiny B information provided by the applicant to provide professional advice.
2. According to the needs of the applicant B in Canada for employers, employees and employers arrange for effective communication.
3. In Canada for all application procedures, and to provide the applicant B immigration interview, the employer information and the work of the Canadian government approval.
4. Responsible for the pick-up to help the employees were engaged in the employer's stability and assist in the cards, medical cards and other documents required.
5. Help applicants in Canada B cumulative successful completion of two years of nursing home economics division to work smoothly and immigration status, but the charge related operating expenses.

2. B responsibilities and obligations

1. For the owner to provide vocational training with the nanny employee of the Government of Canada in ac