The weather in China〔初一英语〕

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 19:17:05

The main features of China's climate

The climate of a country depends largely on the country's geographical location and the environment.

First, China's largest continent in the world - the Eurasian continent and the south-east, the brink of the world's largest ocean - the Pacific. As marine and terrestrial heat, as well as differences in the nature of solar radiation changes with the seasons, leading to the ocean and the land between winter and summer, the season of air pressure changes.

The mainland in the summer of low pressure, high pressure forming marine winter, by contrast, the mainland pressure high seas and low air pressure, so prevalent northwest wind of winter, summer prevailing southeast wind. Winter winds inland from the high-latitude, thus cold and dry; summer winds from the Southern Ocean to the mainland brought warm and humid air, and form precipitation. Thus creating a hot summer and cold in winter in China, X