
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 01:13:00
After the “glorious choir”had been built earlier in the twelfth century,the remains of Becket’s predecessors had been buried in the numerous ancillary chapels,with the great Anglo-Saxon archbishops,saints Dunstan and Elfheah,in the places of honour either side of the high altar.Largely owing to the political circumstances surrounding his death,Becket was can on ized within three years.Whether is body was intended to remain in the crypt is unknown,but there was no room in the choir for a shrine behind the high altar,even had the monks wanted one;they may already have chosen to enshrine Becket’s remains in the Trinity chapel directly above his tomb.the next year,however,one of the best attested events in architectural history damaged the “glorious choir”so badly that it had to be rebuilt,and the reconstruction that followed took account of provision for such a shrine,a concept that became ever more grandiose as a decade of building proceeded.the new choir was built upon and within the re


之后, "光荣合唱团"已经建立了早,在12个世纪,仍然是贝克特的前辈已经埋在众多附属教堂,与伟大的盎格鲁撒克逊大主教,圣人dunstan和elfheah ,在地方的荣誉要么一边的高的祭坛。主要是由于政治环境,围绕他的逝世,贝克特是可以对全身三个年。无论是身体的用意是要继续留在隐窝是未知之数,不过,却没有空间,在合唱团为靖国神社的背后高坛,甚至有僧人通缉之一,他们可能已经选择了供奉贝克特的遗体,在圣三一教堂直接高于他陵墓。在明年,不过,其中一个最好的证明此种事件的建筑史,破坏了"辉煌合唱团" ,那么差劲,它已得到重建,而重建后,考虑提供这样一个神社,是概念,这也成为以往任何时候都更加宏伟的,因为十多年的建设着手。该新合唱团是建立和内部装修遗址对旧的,